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Always Just Beneath Te

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song lyrics
Always Just Beneath The Dawn lyrics
Battle Creek
Something that you said last week
Is eating me with sharpened teeth
And I am so afraid
Not something thrown out flippantly
But to my heart and very core
I may not see you anymore
Or something even worse
And in my bones
Your twenty-three same chromosomes
Reside in twisted prophecy
Likening our destinies
I genuflect. I ll hold my breath
I ll wait and see
Your blood is swimming inside me
And there is no love
Like fathers have for their sons

I am weak
But believe me when I softly speak
If there is strength inside of me
It s you who put it there
And I concede
That something stabbed
And made you bleed
Stole the light you once believed
Yes I still do
Do you believe
Is saw your father in a dream?
He said that he is safe and well
And waiting up for us
And there is no love
Like fathers have for their sons

Boys need fathers, every daughter
Every broken heart so gone
I believe that Love is greater
Never ceasing, always hoping
Always just beneath the dawn

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