song lyrics No Way Out lyrics
See there s no way out. No way out of thiS murk, it s time to accept every step is just a waste of resource. There s no way out. No way out of thiS murk, it s time to accept your dream..
[1.PART] What the fuck, what the fuck are you doing men? What the fuck, what the fuck are you doing there? What the fuck, what the fuck are you trying to do? I can t figure it out, but it looks like you (?hm)
Realy trying to get away, trying to escape. Trying to find a better day. trying to escape. Forget about the fucking pain and exchange diese diese
Wundervoll, wundervoll kalte Nacht, voller schmerz, voller trauer, voller hass voller leid, seelenlosigkeit matsch Dreck, Heartless ruffnecks mit irgend einer kack illusion von
da wo die Sonne scheint. Da wo du einen Namen hast. Da wo dein Leben z?hlt. Da wo lachen kannst. Wo du fr?lich sein kannst. Wo du gl?cklich sein kannst.
Sag mal bist du, bist du bl?d man, bl?d man? Von was tr?umst n du Nachts? Sag mal wer hat dir nur diesen Wurm in deinen Sch?del gesetzt, in dein Gehirn gepflanzt? fucking j???RK
War s vielleicht so ein Held aus nem Buch? Held aus nem Film? So ein pseudo Held, der claimed that a poor ass bitch muthefucka like u could make it wenn ??rr just believes and hold my men. Just believes and keeps on my men.
Keep on walking and fighting and striven, believe in yourself. You can make it trough this night, if you just believe in yourself. Homie das war kein Held, das war ein schei? Penner auf Crack!
[1.BRIGE] Cuz there is no such thing, is no hope is no such thing is no place Beyond this night my man This wonderfull night my man is the only thing U ll ever see, and ever know. U ll ever feel, and ever taste. no matter how far u run, no matter how far u go. It will not change, no!
Cuz there is no such thing, is no hope is no such thing is no place Beyond this night my man This wonderfull night my man is the only thing U ll ever see, and ever know. U ll ever feel, and ever taste. no matter how far u run, no matter how far u go. It will not change, no!
[HOOK] See there s no way out. No way out of thiS murk, it s time to accept every step is just a waste of resource. There s no way out. No way out of thiS murk, it s time to accept your dream is just fucking absurd!
There s no way out. Homie no way out of the dark. It s time to accept, dein Plan ist mal voll f?r n Arsch. Es f?hrt kein Weg raus, nein! Du wirst leider keinen finden, egal was du tust oder machst du wirst sie nicht besiegen!
[2.BRIGE] Es gibt kein weg von hier, weg von hier! Kein, kein weg von hier, weg von hier! Kein weg von hier, weg von hier! kein, kein Weg hier raus!
No out of here, out of here! No, no out of here, out of here! No way out of here, out of here! No, no where to run. No!
Es gibt kein weg von hier, weg von hier! Kein, kein weg von hier, weg von hier! Kein weg von hier, weg von hier! kein, kein Weg hier raus!
No out of here, out of here! No, no out of here, out of here! No way out of here, out of here! No, no where to run. No!
[HOOK] See there s no way out. No way out of thiS murk, it s time to accept every step is just a waste of resource. There s no way out. No way out of thiS murk, it s time to accept your dream is just fucking absurd!
There s no way out. Homie no way out of the dark it s time to accept dein Plan ist mal voll f?r n Arsch. Es f?hrt kein Weg raus, nein! Du wirst leider keinen finden, egal was du tust oder machst du wirst sie nicht besiegen, no song lyrics