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Your Tool lyrics

Feed me, feed me, with unscrupulous hate,
take possession of my mind

Don t stop treating me don t stop telling me
what s good or bad
don t give me the chance to be someone

The day will come, I ll do everything for you
The day will come, I ll do it all for your pleasure

Ready to follow you, I ll be there
ready to follow you, but stay with me.
Please don t leave me alone,
I can t be without your control
Take possession of my mind, do with me, what you want
You can treat me, you can use me, but let me be someone

I m nothing without you, I can t live on my own
impossible to be without you, why have you never given me,
given me a purpose, given me a purpose

The day will come, I ll do everything for you
The day will come, I ll do anything you want
from me
ready to follow you, I ll be there
Ready to follow you, but stay with me, don t leave me alone
I can t be without your control,
take possession of my mind, take possession of my mind
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