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Frequent Flyer lyrics

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Frequent Flyer lyrics

Would you help me pack my bags?, I might be leaving
I need some sweet assistance while I?m stealing
Some of your time
I hope that?s fine

I got photographs of all you, all I?m needing
Forgiveness if I left you all believing
That I?m the one
?cause I feel like none
and I need something to direct me to it


?cause I?m a frequent flyer, notorious liar
but I can?t get close enough
I never get close
I can?t get close enough

I would love to tell my story from the ending
but the story is getting thin from heavy spending
and I need my man
and I need a friend
and I need someone to protect me from the rain


to the ending
I can?t get close enough ah ahhh
I can?t get close enough to the sun
I can?t get close enough


it seems
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