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At The Shores lyrics

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Song Lyrics  At The Shores lyrics

?Take a minute to think about it, and then guess,?
Said the Red Queen.
?Meanwhile, we?ll drink your health -
Queen Alice?s health!? she screamed at the top of her voice,
And all the guests began drinking it directly,
And very queerly they managed it: some of them
Put their glasses upon their heads like extinguishers,
And drank all that trickled down their faces ?
Others upset the decanters, and drank the wine as
It ran off the edges of the table ? and three of them
(Who looked like kangaroos)
Scrambled into the dish of roast mutton,
And began eagerly lapping up the gravy, ?
Just like pigs in a trough!? thought Alice.

(Das Bild wird zunehmend undeutlicher,
Und die Vision verblasst.
Die Phantasie muss sich der
Wirklichkeit f?gen, als schlie?lich...)

(...der ferne Klang einer Stimme die
Zuh?rer sanft, aber unwiderruflich aus ihren Tr?umen weckt:)

A boat beneath a sunny sky...
Song Lyrics

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