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Song Lyrics  Inventio lyrics

(In der K?che der Herzogin)

[...] ?If everybody minded their own business,?
Said the Duchess, in a hoarse growl, ?the world would go round
A deal faster than it does. ?Which would not be an advantage,?
Said Alice, who felt
Very glad to get an opportunity of showing off a little of
Her knowledge. ?Just think
What work it would make with the day and the night!
You see the earth takes
Twenty-four hours to turn round on its axis- [...]
Or is it twelve? I-? Oh, don?t bother
Me,? said the Duchess; ?I never could abide figures!?
And with that she began nursing
Her child again, singing a sort of lullaby to it as she did so,
And giving it a violent
Shake at the end of every line:
Song Lyrics

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