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Our World Our Times lyrics

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song lyrics  Our World Our Times lyrics

Little tramp comin up the strip with a hundred dollar smile
Sparks flyin off her fingertips, drive the young cop wild
Some nights are wound so tight like a storm about to break
Better stand in your doorway when everything starts to shake
You get restless like a cat waking up at midnight,
Hungry, never quite satisfied
This is our world and these are our times
This is our world and these are our times
Little brother like a street god with a drop dead attitude
Say he s looking like a shadow now, runnin low on green and food
Some lives are wound up tight like a wave about to crash
Hard times seem to multiply while the joy runs out so fast
You get restless like a kid crawling out of a bad dream
Hungry, never quite satisfied
chorus repeats 2x
Make way for the son of a rebel wired to a bottle of flame
He s got two black eyes and a purple heart and a bone hangin on a chain
These times are like dynamite, a head-on with history
Some fool s bound to burn it all down, don t care about you and me
He ll get desperate like a child in the eye of a nightmare
Hungry, never quite satisfied
chorus repeats 2x...
song lyrics

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